The Common Denominator

The Common Denominator

"‘A world is made of all kinds of things: ideas, feelings, memories...’ said the young Weaveress. ‘There are many kinds of energy at work. Powers. What Brother Haral forgot to tell you – or perhaps, never quite understood himself – is that one can change a whole world by changing its common denominator; by changing the simplest, truest idea that permeates that world. Can you think of a common denominator for your world, Vivian?’"

Common denominator (or denoms) is a term copiously employed in Weaving (the art of altering the fabric of reality) to describe a feature shared by all items of a grouping.

It is often used to delineate the simplest, truest idea that permeates a system, empirical or theoretical. In the act of altering a system in its entirety, one need only change that system’s common denominator.

Lazuli’s Law of Exception – one of the seven laws of cosmic sway – states: That which cannot be touched by hand, cannot be moved by Kaalà, meaning a Weaver cannot influence what they cannot touch.

However, advancements in the noble art of Weaving have recently discovered that a select few Weavers can, in fact Weave into the immaterial, yet that doing so opens the door to Cosmic Chaos and puts the entire fabric of reality at risk.

The Artwork