Community rating: 4.6 - Order now!

Community review by reader201876

We are happy to find out what our readers think about the Vivian Amberville book series by and like to share their experience with everyone else. Therefore, we encourage everyone to read the reviews and post your own. Below, you find the 4 star review by reader201876.

enter the megaverse of the Vivian Amberville series!

4 June 13, 2019

Few fantasy universes in the literary world can measure up to the dark and quirky megaverse of the Vivian Amberville series.

Anything from plot, characterization, flow of dialogue to the intricacies of the world-building is executed with masterful accuracy and tact.

I can barely add anything new to what has already been extensively written about this rare gem of a story. I guess itt's up to the next reader to give it a try and see for themselves!